Thursday, 2 January 2020

One Little Word for 2020

Happy New Year everyone!!

I've popped in to share my word for this year.

For those of you who have followed me for a while, you'll know that I gave up on resolutions a long time ago. I just find them all a bit negative and a bit 'should, could, would'. So often they aren't achieved, or are broken early and this creates a cycle of disappointment and further negativity.

I prefer a more positive outlook, and so each year I select a word.  A word to use as a guide, to help me focus on the good, to carry as a tool throughout the year. Some of my words have been instrumental in helping me move forward, in supporting my mental health and in sparking growth.
Many of these words are still a part of my daily life.

Words I have connected with in previous years include:

Now this has not been my idea - the fabulously inspiring human called Ali Edwards is where it all began. You'll find more info HERE

This year I have selected a word that I've nearly used for the last couple of years, it's often in the back of my mind ruminating away. I have a number of ideas about how this word will work for me......

Welcome SEE....

I want to really notice my life, really see it all - the good, the bad, the everyday. I want to celebrate it.
I'll leave the rest to Ernest Hemingway.....he says it better than me....

 I want to live a simpler life, of gratitude and really connect....

I want to use see as a starting point, a jumping off into my creativity, both through my art and also in capturing our stories and lives through Project Life. I have ideas brewing.....

As I said, this word has been popping up in my thoughts over the past couple of years, it began as a whisper, but has become louder.
This time of year always inspires me to press the reset button. I always feel excited about what the coming year will hold, and as I thought about 2020 - it hit me......that little play on words....20/20 relates to seeing and BOOM I knew this was my word and my year to have it in focus (lol, see what I did there?)

So here's to 2020........I am keen to SEE where it takes me.

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